Creating & Hosting Meetings Using ZOOM
When you send out invitation links, meeting IDs, and passwords, please let the attendees know that the information should not be shared on social media or posted on the Internet.
Meeting Settings
Before creating a meeting, it’s a good idea to go into
settings of the account to turn ON/OFF various settings depending on your
requirement. You can find the settings at
Creating Recurring Meeting
After login, create a recurring meeting by clicking Meetings - Schedule a New Meeting. Under Recurrence, select No Fixed Time. This way you can start and end the meeting on demand. As per the latest direction, Meeting password is required.After you create the meeting, you can see the newly created meeting under Meetings at
To get the meeting link and the meeting ID, click on the meeting name and this will open a new page.
If you would like to edit the created meeting to make any changes, you can click on the Edit this Meeting towards the bottom right of the screen which will take you to the page where you created the meeting (see the screenshot on the previous page).
Install the ZOOM application on your computer by
accessing the meeting link or by visiting
Open ZOOM application on your computer and login
with your credentials (User ID
and Password). After login, click on Meetings, select the created meeting and
click Start.
You can mute/unmute yourself, start/stop your camera, control attendees and share your screen from this window.
You have access to following actions from the Participants window. To access Participants window, please click “Manage Participants”
Mute All
Unmute All
Mute Attendees on Entry
Allow Attendees to Unmute Themselves
Allow Attendees to Rename Themselves
Play Enter/Exit Chime
Lock Meeting
The co-host feature allows you to share hosting privileges with another user in a meeting. This can be useful to allow another participant to manage the administrative side of the meeting, such as muting participants or starting/stopping the recording. You can assign up to 50 co-hosts in a meeting. Co-hosts are assigned during a meeting and cannot start a meeting. To get to this setting, select participant and click more from the participant windowIf the Host loses connectivity to the internet during the meeting, Co-Host will automatically become a host. Co-Host doesn’t need to be a paid user. It is extremely important to have at least one Co-Host per meeting. You can promote a participant to a Co-Host by selecting the participant and click Make Co-Host.
In order to make some a co-host, a setting should be enabled under
Video Spotlight
Spotlight video puts a participant as the primary active speaker participant for all participants. All participants only see this speaker as the active speaker.In order to spotlight a participant, mouse over the participant name under Participants list and click More (you can also get to this menu from mouse over the Participant video tile). From there click Spotlight Video or Cancel the Spotlight Video. The participants video should be on for this to work.
If the host needs his video to be spotlighted or cancel spotlight, he will need to access the menu by mouse-over on the video of the host.
If the video is not on, you can ask the participant to turn on their camera or you click Ask to Start Video. The participant will get a prompt on their screen to start their video.
If you need to
turn off the video of a participant, you can do so by clicking Stop Video. If
the Host stops the video of a participant, the participant will not be able to
start the video from their end, the host should send a request to Start Video.
If a participant needs to be removed from the meeting, host can do so by clicking the Remove option. Participant will not be able to join the meeting again for the duration of the current meeting.
Mute/Unmute Participant
While setting up the meeting, it is recommended to start everyone as muted (under meeting Settings in the meeting creation window). A minute or two before the start of the meeting, Host or C0-Host will need Mute All and then Unmute the chairman. Before Muting All, you will need to clear the check mark on Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves. Enabling this feature will allow participants to unmute themselves and this could cause disturbance during the meeting.You can access below menu by clicking
Raise Hand
Participants can raise hands to comment. When a participant Raise Hand, you will be able to see it at the top of the window or under the aprticipants window. When they lower the hand, notification will go away.Host or co-host can lower the hands of all by clicking the Lower All Hands. How will need to do this before the conductor moves on to the next question.
Screen Sharing
To Share a screen or running application in your computer, click Share Screen on the main window and select the application you like to share (in this case the video player). If you are sharing content with audio (video), please check the Share computer Sound at the bottom of the screen also Select Optimize Screen for Video Clip.After you click Share, click the expand icon on the bottom of the video player for the participants to see the shared video in full screen (Movies & TV video application in windows 10 was used in this tutorial to play the video. If you are using a different player, this setting will be different)
After you click Play on the video player, do not minimize or bring any other window on top of the video player, doing so will pause the video for the attendees (audio will still be playing).
Selecting Audio/Video Devices
If you have multiple audio/video input/output devices in your computer, select the appropriate device by clicking the Mute/Unmute or Start/Stop Video icon. Wrong selection of devices will cause one-way audio or video
Sample meeting Walk-through steps
All Local Participants
- Download all 3 songs video from
- Start the meeting from the ZOOM application
- Just before the program starts mute all attendees.
- Ask the Chairman, the PT speaker and the WT conductor & Reader to turn on their camera
- Unmute the Chairman and spotlight the Chairman’s video
- When the Chairman request the opening song, mute the Chairman
- Open the song video and click pause
- Share the video player from the ZOOM application
- Click play on the video player
- When the video ends, click Stop Share
- Unmute the Chairman
- When the Chairman invites the PT speaker, cancel the Chairman’s camera spotlight and mute the Chairman
- Unmute the PT speaker’s and spotlight the PT speakers’ video
- At the end of the PT mute and cancel the PT speaker’s video spotlight
- Unmute the Chairman and spotlight the Chairman’s video
- When the Chairman invites the WT conductor, cancel the Chairman’s camera spotlight and mute the Chairman
- Unmute the WT conductor and spotlight the WT conductor’s video
- When the WT conductor request for the middle song, mute the WT conductor
- Open song video and click pause
- Share the video player from the ZOOM application
- Click play on the video player
- When the video ends, click Stop Share
- Unmute the WT conductor and spotlight the WT conductor’s video
- When WT conductor ask for comments, unmute the commenter and once done with comments, mute the commenter (repeat this step for all commenters)
- When the WT conductor requests the closing song, mute the WT conductor and cancel the camera spotlight
- Open the song video and click pause
- Share the video player from ZOOM application
- Click play on the video player
- When the video ends, click Stop Share
- Unmute & Spotlight the PT speaker for concluding prayer
- After the meeting click End Meeting
Hybrid (local speakers and WT stream) - Weekend Meeting
- Download opening songs video from
- Download prerecorded meeting video from Either cut the downloaded video to remove the PT or make a note of where the WT Study starts
- Start the meeting from the ZOOM application
- Just before the program starts mute all attendees.
- Ask the Chairman, the PT speaker and the WT conductor & Reader to turn on their camera
- Unmute the Chairman and spotlight the Chairman’s video
- When the Chairman request the opening song, mute the Chairman
- Open the song video and click pause
- Share the video player from the ZOOM application
- Click play on the video player
- When the video ends, click Stop Share
- Unmute the Chairman
- When the Chairman invites the PT speaker, cancel the Chairman’s camera spotlight and mute the Chairman
- Unmute the PT speaker’s and spotlight the PT speakers’ video
- At the end of the PT mute and cancel the PT speaker’s video spotlight
- Unmute the Chairman and spotlight the Chairman’s video
- When the Chairman invites the WT Streaming, cancel the Chairman’s camera spotlight and mute the Chairman
- Open WT study streaming video
- Share the video player from the ZOOM application
- Click play on the video player
- When the video ends, click Stop Share
- Unmute & Spotlight the brother offer concluding prayer
- After the meeting click End Meeting
Stream Only
- Download prerecorded meeting video from
- Open the prerecorded meeting video and click pause
- Start the meeting from the ZOOM application
- Mute all participants just before the program starts
- Share the video player from the ZOOM application
- Click play on the video player
- When the video ends, click end meeting
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